
29 Feb

Booksellers Forums Head West

From Sunday, March 25, through Wednesday, March 28, ABA will be hosting three Booksellers Forums on the West Coast. Each will feature an open discussion of industry issues and “The Best of Winter Institute 7’s Best Practices Sessions.”

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29 Feb

More Authors Added to Nashville Forum Reception

ABA’s Booksellers Forum program on March 13 in Nashville will be capped by a special reception hosted by Parnassus Books that will feature eight authors, including store co-owner Ann Patchett.

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23 Feb

Booksellers Forum Preview: Wichita and Denver

ABA will reach the mid-point on its spring Booksellers Forum tour with events in Wichita, Kansas, and Denver, Colorado, on March 22 and 23, respectively. ABA member and non-member booksellers are invited to attend.

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22 Feb

An Update From ABA President Becky Anderson

In her bimonthly letter to members, ABA President Becky Anderson writes about the past holiday season, Ann Patchett’s recent appearance on The Cobert Report, last month’s Winter Institute, and this spring’s Booksellers Forums.

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15 Feb

ABA Forums Go South

The American Booksellers Association will be hosting two programs in conjunction with the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance in March.

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06 Feb

Forum Season Kicks Off March 8 in Pennsylvania

ABA’s first spring Booksellers Forum of 2012 will be held on Thursday, March 8, at Towne Book Center & Café in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association.

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02 Feb

ABA Announces 2012 Spring Forum Schedule

On March 8, representatives of ABA (Board members and senior staff) will be hitting the road for the first in this year’s series of 10 spring Booksellers Forums. These open forums are designed to provide member booksellers with the opportunity to share ideas, discuss industry issues, and receive updates on various association projects. Each will also feature an educational session drawn from the recently concluded Winter Institute.

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21 Apr

Combining Forces: Shopping Locally and Being Green

Talking Leaves Books owner, and Buffalo First vice president, Jonathon Welch recently talked about the pros and cons of building an active Local First organization.

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13 Apr

Season’s Last Forum in Buffalo on April 26

ABA’s schedule of 11 Spring Booksellers Forums will come to end on April 26 with a program in conjunction with NAIBA at Talking Leaves … Books in Buffalo, New York.

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31 Mar

ABA Hosts Two Productive Sales Tax Workshops

This week, ABA hosted sales tax fairness workshops at Booksellers Forums in Salt Lake City, Utah, in conjunction with MPIBA, and Manhattan Beach, California, in conjunction with SCIBA.

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24 Mar

Change in Venue for Salt Lake Booksellers Forum

The location of ABA’s March 29 Booksellers Forum to be held in conjunction with the MPIBA Spring Meeting has been changed to Fresco Italian Café, next door to The King’s English Bookshop, in Salt Lake City.

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24 Mar

Booksellers Forum Preview: Buffalo, New York

ABA’s schedule of 11 Booksellers Forums, which began on February 24 and continues with four more forums in the next week, will come to end on April 26, with a program in conjunction with  NAIBA at Talking Leaves … Books in Buffalo, New York.

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15 Mar

Forum Previews: San Francisco, New York, and Medford, Massachusetts

Between April 3 - 6, ABA will host Booksellers Forums in San Francisco, in conjunction with NCIBA; in New York City, in conjunction with NAIBA; and in Medford, Massachusetts, in conjunction with NEIBA.

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09 Mar

Forum Previews: Manhattan Beach and Lake Forest Park

ABA will host a Booksellers Forum on March 30 in conjunction with SCIBA’s Spring Meeting and on March 31 in conjunction with PNBA. The Southern California meeting will also feature a Sales Tax Fairness Workshop, appropriate for all indie retailers in the state.

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02 Mar

More Forum Stops: Atlanta and Salt Lake City

Upcoming in March are ABA Booksellers Forums in Brown Deer, Wisconsin; Atlanta, Georgia; Salt Lake City, Utah; Manhattan Beach, California; and Lake Forest Park, Washington. Here’s a look at ABA’s program in Atlanta, in conjunction with SIBA, and in Salt Lake, in conjunction with MPIBA.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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