ABA's Ends Policies: A Nimbler, More Realistic Approach to Planning

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As part of the American Booksellers Association's overall governance, at its January meeting the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the ABA Ends Policies, which are now posted on BookWeb.org. In a letter to ABA members, President Russ Lawrence of Chapter One Book Store in Hamilton, Montana, explained how the association's Five-Year Strategic Plan morphed into Ends Statements, "a much nimbler, more realistic approach to planning."

Here are the approved Ends Policies:

ABA member bookstores will be professionally operated and profitable, and income derived from regular member's fees will be equal to, or less than those of comparable trade associations.

A. Members will have business skills to be professionally operated and profitable.

  1. Members will attend multileveled informational and educational programs presented around the country.
  2. Members will receive financial and/or business consulting services in a one-on-one or small group setting.
  3. Members will have multiple networking opportunities that foster a constructive exchange of ideas.
  4. Members will have current operating financial models to use as tools in the operations of their businesses.
  5. Members will use multiple access vehicles, made available by technological advances, to educational and informational material.

B. Members will have information about, and access to, business tools, systems, and technologies to be professionally operated and profitable.

  1. "Emerging Leaders" will use ABA gatherings as a venue for identifying those issues that would be relevant and encouraging to their remaining in the independent bookselling world.
  2. Existing and potential professional independent booksellers will use programs that facilitate entry into the complex world of independent bookselling.
  3. Members will be aware of, and have access to, new business models, systems, and services.

C. Member bookstores will be the preferred marketplace for consumers.

  1. Consumers will recognize the value of independent bookstores to their communities.
  2. Independent Bookstores will be part of a community of local independent businesses nationwide.
  3. The general bookselling/book publishing community will be aware of matters of concern to independent booksellers.
  4. The wider bookselling and publishing communities will use and view the American Booksellers Association as a source of relevant and timely statistical, research, and marketing information.

D. Member bookstores will be vital partners to publishers, wholesalers, and vendors.

E. Members will constitute a vital portion of the U.S. book market.

F. Member bookstores will be heard on legal and regulatory issues, including First Amendment, free expression, and fair trade practices.

  1. Member bookstores will be represented within groups of appropriate allies dealing with issues of literacy, culture, and the development of new readers.

Also available on BookWeb.org is contact information for the ABA Board.