Cross Promoting Indies: Tattered Cover and Twist & Shout

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For Tattered Cover Book Store and indie record store Twist & Shout, neighbors in Denver's Lowenstein "CulturePlex," cross promotions have become a regular, and successful, way of doing business. "The theme of all of our promotions is always the importance of independent businesses and why people should shop local," Heather Duncan, Tattered Cover's director of marketing, said recently of the long-term relationship between the two businesses.

For Twist & Shout, which began working on cross promotions with Tattered Cover in 2003, the benefits are many, said owner Paul Epstein. "First, we have had the privilege of hitching our wagon to one of the great retailers in the world, and have received the reflected glory of said hitching. Second, we have cemented our place in the independent arts community through our proximity to Tattered Cover. In Denver, when people think about independent business or the arts, we believe that our little 'CulturePlex' is the first place they think of going. Third, and most importantly, we have had the opportunity to create a few events with Tattered Cover that have made a big impact on the community and resulted in sales and good feelings."

The first joint Tattered Cover/Twist & Shout campaign was a 2003 holiday promotion, "The Twisted and Tattered Great Prize Giveaway, " which featured the slogan "Global Selection, Local Connection." During the promotion, customers who shopped at both stores could enter a drawing to win prizes.

"We advertised 'two stop shopping for everyone on your holiday list,'" said Duncan. "We collected names and e-mail addresses, and gave away some coupons, tokens, swag, and more. So, not only did customers come in to enter the drawing, they were also brought back in to use a coupon or book token after the holidays."

To advertise, Duncan said, the businesses sent out a press release, advertised in a local alternative newspaper, and set up displays in each store. "We felt the promotion was successful as it did get some media attention, and it generated quite a few entries for the drawing."

Following that first promotion, Tattered Cover and Twist & Shout continued to work together on various projects, and in 2006 their efforts were made easier when both businesses opened stores in the Lowenstein CulturePlex, just one door down from each other. Over the years, the two businesses have done a joint holiday catalog; advertised in each other's print and e-mail newsletters; hosted a private shopping party for a new residential development; held joint Memorial Day weekend sidewalk sales; and more.

The Memorial Day sidewalk sale is one of Twist & Shouts most important events, said Epstein. "When Tattered Cover joined us in this endeavor, the number of customers attending jumped significantly, and I believe Tattered Cover saw the advantages of participating."

Both Tattered Cover and Twist & Shout are founding members of the Mile High Business Alliance (MHBA), which is currently working on the "Local Flavors Fest," a celebration of indie businesses to be held on Saturday, August 8, at the Lowenstein CulturePlex. "We'll have local business booths, giveaways, music, food, face painting, a kids' author event, tours of our stores, and more," said Duncan. "That evening, after the Festival, we'll be hosting happy hour for the MHBA members in celebration of the organization's second anniversary."

The regular cross promotions have become a profitable partnership. They generate good will, as well as sales, said Epstein. "Through our continued mutual support and sharing of customers and know-how, we have created a retail environment that is both financially rewarding for us and aesthetically rewarding for consumers." --Karen Schechner (Send BTW a tweet about your cross promotions @KSchechner.)