Industry News

18 Nov

Booksellers Have High Hopes for Gift Cards

Many recent consumer surveys are predicting a banner holiday season for retailers, and among the hot ticket items this season will be gift cards. According to the National Retail Federation (NRF) 2003 Holiday Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey, there will be a significant leap in the gift card sector, with 48.4 percent of consumers indicating that they would like to receive gift cards this year, up from 41.3 percent last year.

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18 Nov

September Bookstore Sales Flat After Strong August

September bookstore sales were disappointing in the wake of their strong showing in August. September 2003 sales of $1,491 million also lagged 0.9 percent behind the $1,505 million performance a year ago.

September was the first month in the last four that bookstore sales failed to show improvement over the previous year.

Overall retail sales of $309 billion for September 2003 came in 8.8 percent ahead of the $284 billion in September of 2002.

2002-2003 RETAIL SALES for BOOKSTORES (unadjusted)

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13 Nov

Bookseller Calls for Seattle to Pass Anti-Patriot Act Resolution

The King County Council of Seattle is presently considering a resolution to oppose any amendments in the USA Patriot Act that it deems to infringe on the constitutional rights of its citizens -- including Patriot Act amendments that allow for invasion of privacy, expanded government surveillance, and denial of due process, as reported by the Seattle Times.

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13 Nov

A Call for Book Sense 76 Nominations

Mindful that booksellers are entering the important -- and busy -- holiday season, here's a very quick Book Sense 76 reminder.

The deadline for the January/February Book Sense 76 is Friday, November 21, just a little over a week away. This is an important list to start the new year, and receiving nominations over the next week is very important.

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13 Nov

Hudson Valley Book Stop Stays in the Family

When Joseph Biernat and his wife, Elizabeth, bought Hudson Valley Book Stop in Kingston, New York, from Elizabeth's parents last September, they weren't counting on a chain bookstore opening directly across the street. But, as in nature, in business adaptation is key, so the Biernats developed a plan. They are going to allow customers to bring in their used books for credit towards new or used books at Hudson Valley. "We'll use [the chain] for what they're good for, which is getting more books into the market," Joseph Biernat said.

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13 Nov

Everlovin' Lights Are Back On at Midnight Special

Margie Ghiz (left), owner of Midnight Special in Santa Monica, California, with staff.

Midnight Special, closed since February, was finally able to open its doors on November 6 in a new location less than a half-mile from its previous site on the Third Street

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13 Nov

Children's Book Week: Reading Is a Right!

National Children's Book Week, which will be held from November 17 - 23, turns a venerable 84-years-old this year. Since 1919, booksellers, educators, librarians, and families have celebrated National Children's Book Week during the week before Thanksgiving to help bring more children in contact with quality children's literature.

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13 Nov

BTW News Briefs

Another Poll Predicts Happy Holidays for Retailers

If predictions equal sales, then this holiday season will be an extremely profitable one for retailers. The Gallup Organization recently released a new Gallup Poll, conducted November 3 - 5, that indicated consumer optimism is now "at its highest level in more than 18 months" and that "consumer spending intentions are more positive than they have been at any point since 9/11."

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13 Nov

Booksellers Called to Action to Protect Customer Privacy

The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) is urging booksellers to add their store names to the growing list of those endorsing the Book and Library Community Statement Supporting The Freedom to Read Protection Act (H.R. 1157); The Library and Bookseller Protection Act (S. 1158); and The Library, Bookseller, and Personal Data Privacy Act (S. 1507).

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13 Nov

Stores With Online Retail Sites May Be Merriest of All

According to reports released by Forrester and the National Retail Federation (NRF), this holiday season is looking to be a good one for retailers. But the jolliest retailers of all may be those traditional stores that also offer their customers a retail Web site, a recent BusinessWeek article reported. More and more, multichannel operators are learning that online stores can spur the performance of their bricks-and-mortar outlets.

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12 Nov

Old Is New Again at 2nd Edition

"I guess we're bucking the trend," said Debi Echlin of 2nd Edition Books and Gifts in Oakland, California. Co-owners Echlin and Helen Talley reformatted their store from selling mostly used books to carrying only new titles. At a time when many booksellers are opting to add used books to their inventory mix, Echlin said she realized that her diminutive section of new books, comprised entirely of Book Sense Bestsellers and 76 picks, was substantially more profitable than the rest of the used stock.

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12 Nov

In Memory of Bookseller Steve Richards

By Kelly Justice of the Fountain Bookstore in Richmond, Virginia

As I head into this holiday season, I'm doing it without the guidance, support, and expertise of one of the best booksellers with whom I've ever had the privilege of sharing a stool behind a counter. Steve Richards passed away suddenly from a brain infection on October 21, and the bookstore's owners and I and the rest of the crew of the Fountain Bookstore are devastated at this unexpected loss.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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