Video Urges Stores to Join Banned Books Read-Out

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The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) has released a new video urging bookstores to join the national read-out from banned books that will be featured on YouTube during this year’s celebration of Banned Books Week, from September 30 to October 6.

In the two-minute video, ABFFE President Chris Finan explains that booksellers contributed more than 90 of the 800 videos produced for last year’s read-out.

Karen Emmerling of Beach Books in Seaside, Oregon, was one of the booksellers who participated last year.  “It was fun.  It was easy, and the only thing I would change this year is to invite more people,” she says in the video.

The video can be viewed here and on the ABFFE website. The web page also contains links to an instructional video, written instructions and a poster that bookstores can used to promote the read-out.