Winter Institute

06 Mar

Wi14 Education: Maximizing and Marketing Pre-Order Sales

The panelists, four of whom were members of ABA’s Pre-Order Task Force, discussed ways to promote and sell pre-order titles.

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05 Mar

Wi14 Education: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone — Building Successful Relationships with Publishers

Panelists discussed best practices for networking with publishers at industry events, what publishers look for in an event proposal, how to pitch events in person, and how to keep these relationships moving forward.

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27 Feb

Wi14 Education: Dealing With Difficult People

The education session at Winter Institute focused on tips for identifying and navigating distressing situations or instances of harassment in the context of the bookstore.

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26 Feb
Winter Institute 14 logo

Wi14 Education Idea Exchange: Marketing to Genre Readers

Booksellers at the American Booksellers Association’s recent Winter Institute discussed marketing, merchandising, events, and more during a roundtable focused on genre titles. 

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20 Feb

Wi14 Education: “Yes She Can: Programs and Partnerships to Empower Women”

Panelists discussed programs that elevate the voices of female/female-identifying authors as well as efforts that feature women business owners and women-run businesses.

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20 Feb

Winter Institute Book Drive Collects Thousands of Titles for Refugees

Denise Chávez, owner of Casa Camino Real Book Store and Art Gallery, has been distributing books to refugees in her hometown of Las Cruces; more than 2,500 books were collected through the book drive. 

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12 Feb

Wi14 Education: Industry Trends and Analytics

The recent panel featured Michael Becher of Industry Insights, the company that assists ABA in compiling the ABACUS report; Brian O’Leary of the Book Industry Study Group; and Allison Risbridger of NPD Group. 

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12 Feb

Wi14 Education: Selling International and Diverse Books

One goal of Bookselling Without Borders, which provides fellowships to the top international book fairs, is to help booksellers increase sales of diverse and international literature in the indie market.

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12 Feb
ABA Education logo

Visit BookWeb to Browse Wi14 Education Session Videos and Handouts

The Education Resources page features videos and handouts from sessions such as Managing a Multi-Location Business, Maximizing and Marketing Pre-Order Sales, and a Crash Course in Kids’ Bookselling. 

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06 Feb

A Report on the January 2019 ABA Board Meeting

The American Booksellers Association’s Board of Directors met on January 20–21, 2019, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, just prior to the 14th Winter Institute.

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06 Feb

Share Your Winter Institute Feedback Now

Booksellers who attended Winter Institute 14 are encouraged to fill out the post-event survey, which arrived in inboxes on Wednesday, February 6, and sign into the Winter Institute app to complete session evaluations.

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05 Feb

Wi14 Author in Focus: Why James Baldwin Always Matters

The session at Winter Institute 14 examined why author James Baldwin’s work has, does, and will always matter and explored how to grow his audience through independent bookstores.

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05 Feb

Roundup of BTW’s Winter Institute Coverage Provides Closer Look at 2019 Event

Bookselling This Week has compiled all previous coverage of Winter Institute 14, as well as this week’s articles recapping the event.

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05 Feb

IndieCommerce Institute Provides Valuable Interactive Learning Experience

“There’s so much to IndieCommerce that training programs like the institute can help booksellers get to the next level and more fully utilize the site’s capabilities,” said Eileen McGervey of One More Page Books.

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05 Feb
From left: Oren Teicher, Betsy Burton, Gayle Shanks, Michael Tucker, Becky Anderson, and Mitch Kaplan

Wi14: ABA Past Presidents on Their Early Years in Bookselling

“The five former presidents here represent a long line of former booksellers who have served as ABA President, and we’re delighted that of the five who are here, they represent those who are still in the business,” said ABA CEO Oren Teicher.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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