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ABACUS Survey Form Remains Open
The ABACUS-11 Survey form will remain open through this weekend to accommodate booksellers who are finalizing their submissions of 2011 financial data.
Booksellers with questions about submitting data to the survey should contact Martha Love of OnCampus Research via e-mail or at (800) 622-7498, ext. 2448.
Booksellers at ABA member bookstores that complete the ABACUS-11 Survey before the submission site is closed are eligible to apply for the Avin Mark Domnitz Scholarship to Winter Institute 8. The scholarship will cover travel expenses up to $350, up to four nights’ accommodations at the Wi8 host hotel, and the $75 event meal fee.
To apply for the scholarship, ABACUS participants should send an e-mail with “Domnitz Scholarship” in the subject line to ABA Education Manager Lisa Winn and include the applicant’s name, staff title, store name, and store contact information.
The ABACUS survey is open to any ABA bookstore member that has been in business for the entire year covered in the survey and asks for basic sales data on new books, used books, and sidelines, as well as operating costs and other data. Store data is submitted to ABACUS via a completely secure and confidential electronic form.