190 results. Results may be paginated. Select one or more topics and filter by tag, format, or conference to focus results. Some resources are visible only to logged-in, ABA bookseller members.

Technology Meetup - Tips & Tricks for Better Product Photography

Technology Meetup - Tips & Tricks for Better Product Photography (November 11, 2021)
Content related to the education session Technology Meetup - Tips & Tricks for Better Product Photography, ABA Technology Meetups.
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During this session, ABA IndieCommerce Director Phil Davies and Marketing Manager Courtney Wallace will share tips, tricks, and best practices for creating better product photography.

A full transcription is available for this session. Please note that it is machine-generated and not reviewed for accuracy.

Technology Meetup - Staff Scheduling Platforms

Technology Meetup - Staff Scheduling Platforms (October 14, 2021)
Content related to the education session Technology Meetup - Staff Scheduling Platforms, ABA Technology Meetups.
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This session features booksellers discussing what staff scheduling platforms they are using, what their process is, and useful tips.

Guest speakers are:

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

Technology Meetup - Batch for Books

Technology Meetup - Batch for Books (September 9, 2021)
Content related to the education session Technology Meetup - Batch for Books, ABA Technology Meetups.
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Batch for Books is a web-based platform that bookstores can use to manage invoices across multiple publishers and streamline the payment management process. In this session, longtime veteran of the indie bookstore community and current Program Manager for Batch for Books U.S. Nathan Halter will present what Batch for Books is, how it works, and why it is a valuable tool, and he will provide a demonstration.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

Roundtable: Industry & the Innovation of Nontraditional Stores

Roundtable: Industry & the Innovation of Nontraditional Stores (September 1, 2021)
Content related to the education session Roundtable: Industry & the Innovation of Nontraditional Stores, Children's Institute 2021.
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Non-traditional bookstore models push against boundaries and challenge the industry’s perception of what a bookstore is. During this session, pop-ups, mobile bookstores, and other non-traditional models can share the inspiration for their format and how they utilize the assets bred from their innovation to leverage the market and influence their communities.

Roundtable: Organizational Structure for Small Stores

Roundtable: Organizational Structure for Small Stores (August 31, 2021)
Content related to the education session Roundtable: Organizational Structure for Small Stores, Children's Institute 2021.
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  • Owners and Managers

Is your store composed of a staff of three people or fewer or a footprint of 1,000 square feet or under? This discussion just might be for you. An example of how small/micro store bookstore employees can utilize this roundtable discussion is to share how they make in-store operations work and seek advice on how to work smarter, not harder, with limited employees and time constraints.

Roundtable: Planning In-Store Operations for the Holidays

Roundtable: Planning In-Store Operations for the Holidays (August 31, 2021)
Content related to the education session Roundtable: Planning In-Store Operations for the Holidays, Children's Institute 2021.
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It is no secret that 2021 holiday seasons will look different than they did in 2019 and 2020. During this discussion, booksellers can begin laying the groundwork for the in-store operations of their 2021 holiday seasons, which can include back to school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the 2021/2022 winter shopping season. Examples of ideas that may be discussed are shipping, staffing, in-store shopping, personal shopping, and appointment scheduling.

Technology Meetup - Virtual Accessibility

Technology Meetup - Virtual Accessibility (August 12, 2021)
Content related to the education session Technology Meetup - Virtual Accessibility, ABA Technology Meetups.
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During this session* you'll hear from fellow booksellers on how they take accessibility into consideration in the virtual world of websites, virtual events, and social media. Guest speakers for these session are:


*A full transcription and closed captioning are available. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording.


Technology Meetup - Virtual Accessibility (August 12, 2021)
Content related to the education session Technology Meetup - Virtual Accessibility, ABA Technology Meetups.
  • Operations
  • Technology

During this session* you'll hear from fellow booksellers on how they take accessibility into consideration in the virtual world of websites, virtual events, and social media. Guest speakers for these session are:


*A full transcription and closed captioning are available. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording.


In-person Event Packet

In-person Event Packet (August 6, 2021)
Content related to the education session In-person Event Packet, Top Ten Things.
PDF icon In-person Event Packet (PDF)875.12 KB
  • Operations
  • Events

As the COVID-19 virus continues to adapt and mutate, and as federal, state, and local guidelines continue to offer new ways of staying safe, booksellers are left to wrestle with how, when, where, and even if they should schedule in-person events. ABA’s In-Person Events Packet offers suggested steps for navigating the planning process for indoor, outdoor, and hybrid events.

Consigning Books and Other Products to Local Retailers

Consigning Books and Other Products to Local Retailers (June 17, 2021)
Content related to the education session Consigning Books and Other Products to Local Retailers, Top Ten Things.
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  • Operations
  • Owners and Managers

Consigning out books or other products to local merchants allows you to reach different locations and markets and enables you to strengthen the quality of your brand. Join a conversation with booksellers who regularly consign books to other merchants and know firsthand what the benefits and challenges are. They will share tips for getting started and suggestions for maintaining a vibrant business through consigning products. This session will also include discussion on and samples of operating agreements and other important documents. 

Speakers include:

About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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