Featured Talk: Second City Works, “How Improvisation Achieves 'Yes, And' Thinking and Improves Creativity and Collaboration”

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015 3:00 PM to 4:15 PM EST

The rules for leadership and teamwork have changed, and the skills that got professionals ahead a generation ago don’t work anymore. Actors and the head of communications for Second City Works—the world’s premier comedy theater and school of improvisation—share techniques that can help any organization develop innovators, encourage adaptable leaders, and build transformational businesses.

For more than 50 years, The Second City comedy theater in Chicago has been a training ground for some of the best comic minds in the industry -— including John Belushi, Bill Murray, Gilda Radner, Mike Myers, Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, and Tina Fey. But it also provides one-of-a-kind leadership training to cutting-edge companies, nonprofits, and public sector organizations, all aimed at increasing creativity, collaboration, and teamwork.

  • Tom Yorton, CEO of  Second City Works and Author (Harper Business)
  • Mark Sutton,  Facilitator and Actor, Second City Works
  • Meagan Flanigan, Faciliator and Actor, Second City Works
  • Valerie Koehler, Blue Willow Bookshop (Houston, TX) (Moderator)

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