Indies Introduce

Young Adult

  • Layoverland, Gabby Noone
    Razorbill, 9781984836120, January 21, 2020 (Young Adult)

    “After Beatrice Fox suffers the indignity of dying while ‘Hey, Soul Sister’ is playing on the radio, she’s not sure how her afterlife could be worse. That’s until she wakes up in an airport—an airport that is Mediocre with a capital ‘M.’ The weather is constantly 53 and drizzly, the shower sprays lukewarm water, and the clothes are all orange. To move on herself, Beatrice must help others reckon with their pasts. No problem—until she meets a frustratingly cute boy who died on the same exact day she did. With a quip a minute, Beatrice is excellent eternal company, and the heady issues tackled here—morality, forgiveness—are deftly layered in. Beatrice may be stuck in purgatory, but Layoverland is a reader’s paradise.”

    Bethany Strout, Tattered Cover Bookstore (Denver, CO)

    “Who’d have thought that a book about purgatory could be full of such pure enjoyment? With a clever set-up, characters I loved (both alive and dead), and a funny, honest voice, this novel was one I read in one satisfying gulp. You may never look at Jell-O the same way again, but you’ll also appreciate life in a whole new way.”

    Tegan Tigani, Queen Anne Book Company (Seattle, WA)


    Layoverland is the perfect combination of dark humor and a romance that I didn’t know I needed.”

    Robyn Broderick, The Reading Bug (San Carlos, CA)

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