Local First and Economic Impact Studies

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From studies that demonstrate the economic impact of independent retailers to the powerful message of the IndieBound movement and networking with like-minded organizations, ABA is working to strengthen awareness about the crucial role independent retailers play in local economies and communities.

Economic Impact Studies

Since 2002, a number of studies have repeatedly documented the positive economic impact of locally owned businesses, and their significantly greater economic return to the local economy than that of retail chains, big box stores, and, especially regarding sales tax, remote online retailers. Independent booksellers have often been the driving force behind these efforts, which have resulted in favorable public policy for indies and heightened consumer awareness of the issues.

Prime Numbers; Amazon and American Communities (2019)

Amazon Study Reveals Explosive Growth of Third-Party Sales, Sales Tax Avoidance (2018)

A new report from ABA and Civic Economics reveals the continuing — and increasing — loss of jobs and essential state and municipal revenue as a result of the growing retail dominance of Amazon.com. The report documents both Amazon’s sales and, for the first time, the explosive growth of sales through its third-party Marketplace from 2014 to 2016. And the report makes clear that Amazon’s sales tax avoidance strategy has continued despite well-publicized agreements with American states.

Amazon & Empty Storefronts: The Fiscal and Land Use Impacts of Online Retail (2016)

A study from Civic Economics which details the overall negative impact that Amazon has had on Main Street retailers and jobs, and the communities in which they are located, across the country. ABA has prepared the New Localism Toolkit with resources for member bookstores based on data from the Amazon study.

which details the overall negative impact that Amazon has had on Main Street retailers and jobs, and the communities in which they are located, across the country. - See more at: http://www.bookweb.org/news/true-cost-amazon-revealed-new-study#sthash.A...
which details the overall negative impact that Amazon has had on Main Street retailers and jobs, and the communities in which they are located, across the country. - See more at: http://www.bookweb.org/news/true-cost-amazon-revealed-new-study#sthash.A...

Independent Business Owners Report Growing Public Support (2014)

A national survey of independent business owners conducted by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance in partnership with the Advocates for Independent Business coalition has found that Local First initiatives are boosting customer traffic and improving the outlook on Main Street, but policymakers need to do more to create a level playing field and ensure that small local businesses have an equal opportunity to compete.

Survey Confirms Benefits of “Buy Local First” Campaigns, Finds Challenges Ahead (2013)

The 2013 post-holiday Independent Business Survey, conducted by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) in partnership with the American Booksellers Association and other indie business organizations, has found that independent businesses experienced solid revenue growth in 2012, buoyed in part by “buy local first” initiatives and growing public interest in supporting locally owned businesses.

Indie Impact National Summary: Indies Give Back Over Three Times as Much as Chains (2013)

Communities as different as Las Vegas, New Mexico, and Louisville, Kentucky, have at least one thing in common: Their independent businesses recirculate a substantially greater proportion of their revenues back into the local economy than do their chain competitors. This, according to a national study, The Indie Impact Study Series: National Summary Report, a summary of 10 localized studies conducted by Civic Economics.

Independent Businesses in Salt Lake City Deliver Greater Economic Benefit (2012)

Choosing a locally owned store generates almost four times as much economic benefit for the surrounding region as shopping at a chain, a new study has concluded. The study by research firm Civic Economics found that the local retailers return an average of 52 percent of their revenue to the local economy, compared with just 14 percent for the chain retailers.

The Indie City Index (2011)

Presented at the Advocates for Independent Retail (AIR) National Leadership Summit in January 2011, The Indie City Index ranks more than 300 U.S. metropolitan areas according to the vitality of independent retail. The study was commissioned by ABA and produced by Civic Economics.

National Survey Shows Indies Benefit From Buy Local Campaigns (2011)

For the fourth year in a row, a national survey of independent businesses has found that those in communities with active “buy local” campaigns have experienced markedly stronger revenue growth compared to those located in areas without such initiatives.

National Survey Shows Power of Buy Local Campaigns (2010)

Once again, a national survey has demonstrated the power indie businesses -- and of an active "Buy Local" or "Think Local Campaign." A survey of more than 1,800 indie businesses found that holiday sales for independent retailers were up an average of 2.2 percent, in contrast to figures showing that overall retail sales were down 0.3 percent in December 2009.

Independents Outperform Chains over Holidays, Survey Finds (2009)

A survey conducted by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance shows that indies outperformed chains over Holiday 2008, and indies in cities with active Shop Local campaigns did even better.

Grand Rapids Study Shows Shift to Indies Has Big Impact (2008)

A new study from Local First of Grand Rapids, Michigan, reveals that a modest change in consumer behavior -- a 10 percent shift in market share to independent businesses from chain stores -- would result in 1,600 new jobs, $53 million in wages, and a $137 million economic impact to the area.

Procurement Matters: The Economic Impact of Local Suppliers (2007)

A Civic Economics study commissioned by Local First Arizona reveals that public procurement from a local supplier generates "dramatically greater local economic activity" than procurement from a chain business.

The San Francisco Retail Diversity Study (2007)

Civic Economics conducted this study on the health, diversity, and economic impact of independent merchants in San Francisco for the San Francisco Locally Owned Merchants Alliance, with oversight by the Northern California Independent Booksellers Association.

The Andersonville Study of Retail Economics (2004)

A 2004 report by Civic Economics, which compares 10 local businesses in the Andersonville neighborhood of Chicago versus their chain competitors, demonstrates the greater economic impact of locally owned businesses.

Economic Impact Analysis: A Case Study – Local Merchants vs. Retail Chains (2002)

December 2002 report, prepared for Liveable City by Civic Economics, assessing the impact of local merchants, specifically Austin, Texas’ BookPeople and Waterloo Records, relative to the impact of chain stores.



About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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