Winter Institute

29 Sep

Registration Open for New/Prospective Booksellers Workshop at Winter Institute

A full-day workshop offering a crash course on the essentials of opening a bookstore or buying an existing store will be held on Saturday, January 23, 2016, just prior to the evening opening of Winter Institute 2016, at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel in Denver, Colorado.

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24 Sep

Winter Institute: Dates of Note

Winter Institute 11 will be held in Denver, Colorado, from Saturday evening, January 23, through Tuesday, January 26, 2016, but between now and then there are few dates that registered booksellers should keep in mind.

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24 Sep

Winter Institute Book Swap to Celebrate Backlist Favorites

All Winter Institute 11 attendees are invited to share their favorite backlist book with friends and colleagues at the first-ever Backlist Book Swap, to be held on Saturday evening, January 23. A form is available on for booksellers to share their favorite under-read book with ABA now.

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16 Sep

Winter Institute Registration, Hotel Waitlists Forming

Even with a 15 percent increase in the registration cap, the 2016 Winter Institute reached capacity in record time last week. Booksellers can now add their names to waitlists for registration and for reservations at the host hotel, the Sheraton Denver Downtown.

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16 Sep

Reserve Now for Post-Winter Institute Ski Trip

If you’ve registered for Winter Institute 2016 and are starting to think about travel plans, now is the time to check out the travel discounts available to event attendees and to consider taking part in pre- and post-institute events.

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10 Sep

Winter Institute Registration Now Full: Waitlist Forming

Registration for the 11th annual Winter Institute opened on Wednesday afternoon, September 9, and, despite the fact that ABA increased bookseller registration by 15 percent, the institute reached full capacity on Friday morning, September 11. Booksellers can now add their names to a waitlst.

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02 Sep

Winter Institute Registration Scheduled to Open September 9

ABA bookstore and provisional members should be on the lookout for an e-mail announcing the opening of registration for the 2016 Winter Institute to arrive in their inboxes on Wednesday afternoon, September 9.

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18 Aug

Winter Institute Scholarship Application Process Opens

ABA’s first-ever online application process for booksellers interested in submitting their names for an opportunity to win a Winter Institute publisher-sponsored scholarship is open from now until October 26.

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12 Aug

High Praise for Human Resources Workshop to Be Held Twice This Fall

In response to enthusiastic feedback from booksellers who participated in Winter Institute 10’s Advanced Learning Session on Human Resources, ABA has invited the session’s presenter, Dr. John Sherlock, to lead two Human Resources Workshops this fall.

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12 Aug

Winter Institute Registration to Open September 9

Event registration and hotel reservations for ABA’s 2016 Winter Institute are scheduled to open on Wednesday, September 9, 2015. The 11th annual education event will be held in Denver, Colorado, from Saturday evening, January 23, through Tuesday, January 26, 2016.

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12 Aug

Winter Institute 2016 to Feature Post-Event Ski Trip

Booksellers who are starting to think about their travel plans for Winter Institute 11 should bear in mind that ABA is planning a post-event ski trip for January 27 to the Copper Mountain resort, located 75 miles outside of Denver.

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25 Jun

Domnitz Scholarship to Winter Institute 11 Open to ABACUS Reporting Stores

ABA will award the Avin Mark Domnitz Scholarship to attend Winter Institute 11 to the owner or an employee of a bookstore that submits its 2014 financial data to the ABACUS-14 survey before the July 1 deadline.

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22 Apr

New POS Online Discussion Forums Added to BookWeb

To facilitate conversations that began during the Roundtable Discussions on POS Systems at Winter Institute 10, and to foster new discussions, six new booksellers-only online forums were recently added to

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16 Apr

Innovative Ideas From Bookseller Brainstorming at Wi10

Here is an array of great ideas for promoting bookstores as hubs of creativity, community, and activity, all gleaned from the bookseller discussion groups following Steven Johnson’s plenary talk, “How We Got to Now,” at Winter Institute 10.

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19 Mar

Booksellers Find E-mail Marketing Platforms Make Life Easier

Booksellers and e-mail marketing company representatives discussed three different platforms at the Wi10 education session “E-mail Marketing Options: Shelf Awareness, Ingram Sendr, Constant Contact.”

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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