Publisher News

28 Sep

Houghton Mifflin Invites Booksellers to Draw Up a Winner

Houghton Mifflin is calling on booksellers "of all stripes" -- including managers, owners, and frontline staff -- to participate in its "Best American Comic Drawing Contest."

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16 Aug

Algonquin to Recognize Exceptional Frontline Bookselling

Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill recently announced the creation of a Frontline Fellowship, which will reward the exceptional handselling skills of one frontline bookseller with a trip to ABA's 2007 Winter Institute, to be held in Portland, Oregon, in February.

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22 Jun

BTW News Briefs

SIBA Announces Award Winners

On Tuesday, June 20, the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance (SIBA) announced the winners of the 2006 SIBA Book Awards, celebrating the best of Southern literature, as picked by independent booksellers throughout the South. The 2006 Winners are:

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14 Jun

Book Sense Welcomes New Publisher Partners

The Book Sense family of Publisher Partners has two new additions: the University of Georgia Press in Athens, Georgia, and Behler Publications in Lake Forest, California.

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14 Jun

Houghton Mifflin to Offer Free Freight October 1

This week, Houghton Mifflin announced that its Trade and Reference Division would begin to offer free freight beginning October 1, 2006. In addition, Houghton announced two new retail backlist programs, both now available to booksellers.

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06 Jun

Full Steam Ahead for BookStream

Wholesaler BookStream, which opened in Poughkeepsie, New York, last December, is now running at full capacity, according to the company's vice president of sales and marketing, Maury McClelland. Noting that BookStream now distributes virtually all publishers and has been serving many independent bookstores along the East Coast and beyond for several months, he described the company's inventory as being at the proper level to be in a "competitive mode and a source for booksellers."

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16 Feb

First Forum Brings Booksellers to Richmond

On Monday, February 13, at the Fountain Bookstore in Richmond, Virginia, the American Booksellers Association presented a Booksellers Forum and Education Program in conjunction with the Southern Independence Booksellers Alliance (SIBA). Approximately 30 booksellers attended the event, which featured a SIBA membership session, the Booksellers Forum, and the ABA session "Creating a 'Buy Local' Campaign."

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07 Feb

ARCs: How to Handle Too Much of a Good Thing

While most booksellers would agree that Advance Reading Copies (ARCs) are a useful and necessary tool for gauging the sales potential for all kinds of books, sometimes galleys can pile up in the stock room in a hurry. Since booksellers can't read them all, nor keep them all, Bookselling This Week decided to ask a few publishers and booksellers for their tips about what to do with ARCs once bookstores are finished with them.

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02 Feb

Publishers, Authors Respond to Frey, Nasdijj Controversies

In response to the continuing controversy surrounding the veracity of the memoir A Million Little Pieces, James Frey has written an author's note, now available on the Random House website.

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10 Jan

Wizards of the Coast: A Publishing Fantasy

It didn't take long for the Renton, Washington's Wizards of the Coast to make its mark in the gaming and role-playing business. In 1990, Peter Adkison and six friends founded the company in Adkison's basement. Within three years, with the release of the first trading card game, Magic: The Gathering, Wizards of the Coast had created an entirely new genre of games.

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05 Jan

ABA Partners With Above the Treeline

This week, the American Booksellers Association announced a new partnership with Above the Treeline, LLC, which provides an online software product designed to help bookstores improve finances by optimizing inventory selection.

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19 Dec

Venerable Beacon Press Shines on Social Issues

Boston-based Beacon Press, a nonprofit independent book publisher founded in 1854 as the Press of the American Unitarian Association, has long been known as a house devoted to providing the public with thought-provoking, sometimes controversial, works focusing on social issues. Renamed Beacon Press in 1902, it remains a branch of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), often referred to as the Unitarian Church, although its titles are nondenominational.

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12 Dec

Making Booksellers TitleSmart

Former bookseller Hank Jones developed TitleSmart,, an informational web tool for booksellers and librarians, to provide a single wide-ranging source for easy access to information about major book reviews and book publicity. "From talking with fellow booksellers and from my own experience, I knew there was a search tool needed that could help my store and other stores to more efficiently track down titles for customers," said Jones.

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29 Nov

ABA Booksellers Resource Directory Now Online

The American Booksellers Association recently launched the Booksellers Resource Directory (BRD), a listing of vendors of nonbook products and services, open to ABA bookstore, provisional, and publisher members.

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22 Nov

Koen-Levy to Open This Weekend

Just in time for the holiday season, Koen-Levy Book Wholesalers, LLC, will be open to receive orders from booksellers starting this weekend, Bob Koen, Koen-Levy's general manager, told Bookselling This Week in a recent interview. The news comes less a month after Levy Home Entertainment announced that it had acquired certain Koen assets and would be forming Koen-Levy. The company has been operational since Halloween. "We're doing receiving -- getting books in," Koen said. "We have between 15,000 and 20,000 on order with 3,000 received so far.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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