2007 ABACUS to Become a Reality

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The 2007 ABACUS Study of independent bookstore financial operations, which was in jeopardy due to an insufficient number of respondents, will be published this year. The turnaround came at the 11th hour, when a large number of ABA member stores submitted their 2006 financial data by the midnight deadline on Sunday, August 19.

Although the number of this year's survey responses is not up to 2006 levels, they are sufficient to create meaningful reports, according to ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz.

Work is now underway to tabulate and analyze the data that will be used to create individual store reports, as well as overall study results, including an Executive Summary. Participating stores are currently scheduled to receive their reports (via e-mail), as well as their $50 dues rebate, by the end of October. Watch for updates in upcoming editions of Bookselling This Week.
