09 May
ABACUS-17 logo

ABACUS Survey to Open May 11

The confidential survey of key bookstore financial information provides participating stores with in-depth, customized reports that are an important tool for improving business operations and profitability.

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20 Dec

“ABACUS 101” Education Session at Wi13 to Feature Techniques for Leveraging Survey’s Data

This year’s Winter Institute will offer a session on the ABACUS financial survey and its new features, focusing on key trends and results and demonstrating how to generate reports that will lead to greater profitability.

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06 Dec

ABACUS-16 Survey Results Sent to Participating Bookstores

A link to the results from this year’s ABACUS survey, a one-of-a-kind tool that booksellers say is critical to their financial and strategic planning, was delivered to participating stores on Wednesday, December 6.

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05 Oct

Final Chance to Participate in ABACUS

The deadline for American Booksellers Association member bookstores to submit their 2016 financial data to the ABACUS-16 survey is 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, October 11.

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04 Oct

ABACUS Deadline Extended: Still Time to Participate

American Booksellers Association member bookstores now have until 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, October 11, to submit their 2016 financial data to the ABACUS-16 survey.

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27 Sep

Last Call: ABACUS Survey Responses Due September 27

Booksellers have until the end of today to submit their store’s 2016 financial data; participating stores will receive a detailed individual store performance report that analyzes their financial results.

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19 Sep

Don’t Miss Out: ABACUS Deadline September 27

Join the hundreds of booksellers who have found the ABACUS survey to be an invaluable tool for financial and strategic planning: submit your store’s 2016 data by the September 27 deadline.

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12 Sep

Reap the Benefits of ABACUS: Submit Your Data by September 27

The ABACUS-16 survey is a unique tool that can help booksellers with strategic and financial planning, gaining access to capital, negotiating with landlords, and more.

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06 Sep

Domnitz Scholarship to Winter Institute 13 Open to ABACUS Reporting Stores

ABA will award the Avin Mark Domnitz Scholarship to attend Winter Institute 2018 to the owner or an employee of a bookstore that submits its 2016 financial data to the ABACUS-16 survey before September 27.

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30 Aug

ABACUS-16 Survey Now Underway

Bookstores have begun submitting their data for ABACUS-16, the American Booksellers Association’s annual financial benchmarking survey; the deadline for submitting is Wednesday, September 27.

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23 Aug

ABACUS-16 Survey Now Open

ABACUS-16, the American Booksellers Association’s annual financial benchmarking survey, has launched, and bookstores can begin submitting their data in an anonymous and fully secure online platform.

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15 Aug

Watch for the ABACUS-16 E-Mail on August 23

On August 23, ABA member stores will receive an e-mail that will include introductory information about ABACUS-16 and instructions on how to access this year’s survey.

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09 Aug

ABACUS-16 Survey to Open August 23

ABA member stores should be on the lookout for an e-mail arriving on August 23 that will include introductory information about ABACUS-16 and instructions on how to access this year’s survey.

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22 Feb

Wi12 Education: Booksellers Make the Business Case for ABACUS

Three Winter Institute bookseller panelists shared insights on how using the information from ABA’s ABACUS survey has improved management of their bookstore finances.

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06 Jul

ABACUS Deadline Extended to July 11

ABA member bookstores now have until midnight on Monday, July 11, to submit their 2015 financial data to the ABACUS-15 survey.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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