ABC Best Books Catalog to Begin Arriving Next Week: Promotional Resources Available

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Resources are now available to help booksellers promote the titles in the 2015 ABC Best Books for Young Readers Catalog, which is scheduled to begin arriving in stores next week.

Booksellers who would like to promote the catalog online, via social media, and in store newsletters can download a PDF of the entire catalog here. Additionally, IndieCommerce stores interested in featuring the catalog on their store sites can find instructions in the IndieCommerce Message Center.

To help booksellers with ordering, this year’s catalog titles are listed with complete bibliographic information in a downloadable Excel spreadsheet on

A limited number of catalogs with no imprinting are available; stores can place orders while supplies last using the 2015 Extra Stock Order Form.

Booksellers with questions about the 2015 ABC Best Books for Young Readers Catalog should contact ABC Group Manager Matthew Zoni via e-mail or at (800) 637-0037, ext. 7551.