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Denver Local Applauds Tattered Cover

Denver Local, a lifestyle blog for Denver residents, featured Tattered Cover, the city's landmark bookstore, for its exemplary service. The post, entitled “Local Businesses can learn from the Tattered Cover,” outlines what the bookstore is doing right, and how others can adopt its practices. The blog reads:

“So how does a place like the Tattered Cover not only stay in business but also expand in this trying climate? The answer's simple. They offer more. The Tattered Cover isn't just about books. It's about people who love books; people who write them, people who read them.”

The bookstore is praised for its calendar of events, helping locals discover unknown books or writers, and providing ways to ensure customer loyalty. The main way to do this, the blog post concludes, is by having passion.

Water Street Bookstore Turns 20 and Looks to the Future

On April 12, Water Street Bookstore, in Exeter, New Hampshire, hosted a forum called “State of a Bookstore” that invited community members to discuss the direction of the bookstore. Store owner Dan Chartrand hopes to gain ideas and feedback about what the store is doing well, and how it can improve. Additionally, he plans to talk about ways the store can celebrate its 20th year in business.

“I've always wanted people to think of this as their bookstore, not mine,” Chartrand told “We want to listen and hear very clearly about what residents are saying, digest it, and then we can move forward with that information,” he said.

Greenlight Bookstore Launches Summer Open Mic Series

Beginning this summer, Greenlight will host a monthly open mic series in the spirit of bringing together written literature and spoken word performance.

The open mic nights will be hosted by Greenlight’s own Angel Nafis, a nationally recognized young poet and performer, and will give local poets the opportunity to perform for three minutes in front of an audience. Each open mic event will end with a performance by a highly acclaimed stage poet in the New York Scene.