BTW News Briefs

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Governor Davis Signs Landmark Health Insurance Bill

Lost amid the California recall election, on October 6, California Governor Gray Davis signed legislation that requires companies with 50 or more employees to either provide them health insurance or pay into a state pool to purchase the coverage, as reported by Dow Jones Newswires. Additionally, businesses with 200 or more employees will be required to provide family health coverage, the article noted, and the measure envisions including employers with between 20 and 49 employees if the state adopts a subsidy to mitigate their costs. Though it is expected that the bill will face legal challenges, it is set to take effect in 2006 for employers with 200 or more workers and in 2007 for companies with between 50 and 199 workers, DJN noted.

BEA/Writer's Digest Books Writer's Conference Set for 2004

Writer's Digest Books, BookExpo America, and Books for Life Foundation will once again team up in 2004 for the BookExpo America Writer's Conference, to be held on Wednesday, June 2, 2004, at Chicago's McCormick Place Convention Center. At the conference, experts will provide topic-specific presentations and there will be small-group breakout sessions, covering all aspects of writing. A highlight of the conference is the presentation of the John T. Lupton "New Voices in Literature" Awards, which single out the best query letter and/or proposal.
