Harry Potter Book Sense Gift Cards Shipping Now

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It's Time to Order

Special, limited edition Harry Potter Book Sense gift cards and coordinating presenters are now shipping to booksellers who have placed orders through booksenseorders.givex.com. Booksellers who notified ABA Marketing Director Jill Perlstein of their interest in ordering the Harry Potter gift card must also place their orders through the Givex site in order to receive their cards.

Orders for the Harry Potter Book Sense gift card and coordinating presenter, which have been created in cooperation with Scholastic, Inc., the U.S. publisher of J.K. Rowling's record-breaking Harry Potter series, will be filled as long as supplies last. The gift card features art from the eagerly awaited Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which has an on-sale date of Saturday, July 16, and which Scholastic is promoting with a multi-million dollar marketing campaign.

The costs for the special Harry Potter gift cards are the same as for the other current card designs (22 cents per card for a minimum order of 100 generic cards; 31 cents for a minimum order of 250 imprinted cards.) In addition, there is the usual 50 cents per card transaction fee, 8 cents per presenter, and shipping and handling charges. However, Book Sense Harry Potter gift cards are eligible for a bookstore's individual co-op from Scholastic.

Complete details and ordering information are available at www.bookweb.org/read/7728.

To participate, stores must be part of the Book Sense Gift Card Program. (Stores may join the Book Sense Gift Card Program and place an initial order for Harry Potter gift cards while supplies last. Book Sense Gift Card Program information is available at www.bookweb.org/read/6303. Questions should be addressed to Perlstein at [email protected].)

Booksellers who have placed an order for Harry Potter gift cards via the Midwest (MBA), Northern California (NCIBA) or Southeast (SEBA) booksellers associations can expect to receive their cards within the next two weeks.