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The Indie Healthy Living Bestseller List

The American Booksellers Association’s specialty bestseller lists provide a current snapshot of what’s selling in indie bookstores nationwide.
Here is the Healthy Living Bestseller List, based on sales at independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week period ending January 14, 2024.
1. Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity
Peter Attia, M.D., Bill Gifford, Harmony, $32, 9780593236598
2. How Not to Age: The Scientific Approach to Getting Healthier as You Get Older
Michael Gregor, M.D., Flatiron Books, $39.99, 9781250796332
3. Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art
James Nestor, Riverhead Books, $29, 9780735213616
4. Come As You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life
Emily Nagoski, Ph.D., Simon & Schuster, $19.99, 9781982165314
5. Wild Medicine: Tamed Wild's Illustrated Guide to the Magick of Herbs
Shelby Bundy, Kate Belew, Spruce Books, $21, 9781632174970
6. The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer: Lessons From the Healthiest Places on Earth
Dan Buettner, National Geographic, $32.5, 9781426223471
7. The Little Book of Hygge
Meik Wiking, Morrow, $19.99, 9780062658807
8. Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
Matthew Walker, Ph.D., Scribner, $18, 9781501144325
9. How to Eat (Mindfulness Essentials #2)
Thich Nhat Hanh, Parallax Press, $9.95, 9781937006723
10. Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence
Esther Perel, Harper Paperbacks, $18.99, 9780060753641
11. Forever Strong: A New, Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, Atria Books, $29.99, 9781668007877
12. Yoga for Stiff Birds
Marion Deuchars, Skittledog, $12.99, 9781837760121
13. Fast Like a Girl: A Woman's Guide to Using the Healing Power of Fasting to Burn Fat, Boost Energy, and Balance Hormones
Dr. Mindy Pelz, Hay House, $24.99, 9781401969929
14. How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
Michael Greger, M.D., Gene Stone, Flatiron Books, $35.99, 9781250066114
15. Slow AF Run Club: The Ultimate Guide for Anyone Who Wants to Run
Martinus Evans, Avery, $18, 9780593421727
16. Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine New Edition: 560 Herbs and Remedies for Common Ailments
Andrew Chevallier, DK, $40, 9780744081794
17. The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort To Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self
Michael Easter, Rodale Books, $28, 9780593138762
18. National Geographic Herbal: 100 Herbs From the World's Healing Traditions
Mimi Prunella Hernandez, National Geographic, $40, 9781426222399
19. The Book of Animal Secrets: Nature's Lessons for a Long and Happy Life
David B. Agus, M.D., Simon & Schuster, $29.99, 9781668043578
20. Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
Mary Roach, Norton, $16.95, 9781324036036
21. Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Arsenal Pulp Press, $19.95, 9781551527383
22. The How Not to Die Cookbook: 100+ Recipes to Help Prevent and Reverse Disease
Michael Greger, M.D., Gene Stone, Flatiron Books, $31.99, 9781250127761
23. Born to Run 2: The Ultimate Training Guide
Christopher McDougall, Eric Orton, Knopf, $30, 9781524712341
24. 100 Ways to Change Your Life: The Science of Leveling Up Health, Happiness, Relationships & Success
Liz Moody, Harper Wave, $32, 9780063333710
25. The Healing Garden: Cultivating and Handcrafting Herbal Remedies
Juliet Blankespoor, Harvest, $35, 9780358313380