A Timely Reminder From WBN’s Lennertz

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Dear Booksellers/WBN Participants,

Thank you for all the news of pre-World Book Night store receptions next week! They’re so key to the overall success of the day itself, and I really appreciate all you are doing.

You should now be in possession of these items for the givers: buttons, bookmarks, a letter, and a thank you certificate. E-mail me if you don’t have enough of the buttons, or need the letter or certificate as an attachment to make more copies.

As noted in earlier e-mail alerts, ABA has posted a customizable Thank You certificate in the Booksellers DIY.

They have also posted a giver sticker that can go on clothing if you/we run out of the buttons. 

There are also downloadable web graphics on the Resources tab at www.worldbooknight.org This is for your use, and for the givers. Yes, they can make signs or even t-shirts if they like.

Ingram, too, offers downloadable promotional materials, including a flier, poster, shelf-talker, and bookmark, as well as an extra three percent discount on the 30 World Book Night selections through April 30.

A press release that you can customize with your store name and use for local media is being e-mailed to you today by WBN.

And the regional giver maps at Facebook are getting a lot of great feedback on! Check it out. We’re posting a new one each day.

I think you all have received all your boxes by now — if not, holler. I have some stashed around the country!!

If you received some extra boxes, find a nice home for them.

Lastly, for anyone who comes in and says “hey, I applied and never heard back,” here’s why: a bad e-mail address or other vital information missing, or just too late. We did reach out online to folks who hadn’t heard back, and we got 500 more givers okayed via a reapplication process. Otherwise, they should sign up for our e-mail and be the first to hear next year!  We feel badly about anyone who had trouble with any part of the process, but 25,000 folks sailed through, so we did something right.

It hasn’t all been smooth sailing, of course, but we’ve learned a lot for next year.

Again…thank you all so much!!


Carl Lennertz
U.S. Executive Director
World Book Night