This Week in Book Challenges

Here is an update on the latest book challenges for the week of January 24, 2024
Billings, MT school district narrowly votes to keep challenged book
Catawba County, NC sees "l8r, g8r" and "The Carnival at Bray” challenges; hearings to be scheduled
Cobb County, GA superintendent, with hat-tip to Marietta, vows to ban the same books
Lexington-Richland 5, SC removes kids graphic novel about King Tut pending review, for some reason
Lorain County, OH school board votes 9-2 to keep “Looking for Alaska"
Tampa, FL school district considers ban of “Identical” following appeal
Winston Salem/Forsyth, NC makes sensible changes to book challenge policy (linked policy approved by 6-3 vote week of 1/15/24)