What Booksellers Were Reading

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One of the highlights of ABA's Day of Education on Thursday, June 2, at this year's BookExpo America was the Third Annual "What Are You Reading/Publishing?" Lunch. The lively gathering provided an opportunity for booksellers to break bread with colleagues from around the country and engage in unmoderated discussions about favorite handsells. This year, booksellers were joined by editors from ABA's Book Sense Publishing Partners, who came prepared to discuss hot books and sleepers from the coming fall list.

As part of the event, participants were asked to fill out a form with information about their current reads so ABA could gather the information to share with other booksellers. The list of titles, available online at news.bookweb.org/read/3668, is as varied as the bookseller members themselves -- it includes everything from The Erotic Poems by Ovid and Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass to Cormac McCarthy's No Country for Old Men and Harvest Books' Scoot Over, Skinny: The Fat Nonfiction Anthology to The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time and the Texture of Reality by Brian Greene. Children's books made the list, too.

Editor's Note: In the spirit of the event, we hope you'll accept our apologies in advance if we have misinterpreted the handwritten spelling of names or have presented incomplete information. Even with one or two mistakes, we think the result is an interesting reflection of just what makes our members "independent."
