Industry News

25 Mar

Perseus Celebrates Its Former Independents

Booksellers should not be surprised if they sense a special rapport with their new Perseus Books Group sales reps. After all, four of the six reps in the new Perseus in-house sales force are former independent booksellers. "In these times of chains, online stores, and lost market share, we wanted to make sure that people knew [independent bookstores] are important to us," said John Hughes, vice president, associate publisher and marketing director of Perseus Books Group.

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25 Mar

YA Lit -- Not Just for Kids Anymore

Sex, drugs, and other "problems of the month" persist as subjects of Young Adult books, but, according to booksellers who recently spoke to BTW, the YA field is growing more fantasy titles, getting more fuzzy about labeling, and appealing to more adults.

"It's gotten edgier," said Valerie Lewis, co-owner of 24-year-old Hicklebee's in San Jose, California. "The line between adults and young adults is thinner than ever."

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20 Mar

Technology + Tech-Savvy Development = A Much Improved ABACUS

California bookseller Amy Thomas has written an open letter to the Northern California Independent Booksellers Association membership explaining why she believes the new ABACUS project is so important to her business, and to independent booksellers. The deadline for reporting for ABACUS Year One is March 31, 2003.

By Amy Thomas

Dear Fellow Booksellers,

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20 Mar

Book Sense Publisher Partner Roster Reaches 100

Book Sense is proud to announce that the number of Publisher Partners participating in the program has reached 100.

We offer our sincere thanks for each Partner's support of Book Sense and look forward to working with them in the months to come!

Here's the list.

[email protected]

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20 Mar Testing New Publisher Co-Op Program

In February, began testing a new program that could help participating bookstores fund the entire cost of their Web sites through the use of newsletter co-op.

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18 Mar

ABA to Independents: Let's Be Counted

The book industry and the press are increasingly depending on Nielsen BookScan for figures on book sales from across all retail channels, and Nielsen BookScan estimates that currently its data represents between 70 and 75 percent of the entire bookselling market.

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17 Mar

Beware of Bogus Orders

A continuing problem for booksellers, especially those with an online presence, is the receipt of fraudulent orders. A number of booksellers have reported receiving bogus orders from overseas -- via either their retail Web sites or e-mail -- for large numbers of hardcover books, often Bibles or medical texts. These orders usually originate in Nigeria, Ghana, Singapore, or Egypt and are usually in excess of $150. The books being ordered are most often Bibles, other religious titles, medical texts, or other reference books.

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17 Mar

Good Morning America Announces Ninth 'Read This!' Pick

On Friday, March 14, Good Morning America's "Read This!" book club made its ninth pick. The ABC morning show's book club's latest choice is What Should I Do with My Life? (Random House), by Po Bronson.

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17 Mar

Bookstore Sales Pick Up in January

January 2003 retail sales for bookstores showed signs of life after three months of decline. January bookstore sales of $2,253 million improved 3.0 percent over the $2,188 million of January 2002.

Overall retail sales of $280 billion for January 2003 was 5.7 percent better than the $265 billion of the previous year.

January is the 12th month in a row in which bookstore sales failed to keep pace with overall retail sales.

2002-2003 RETAIL SALES for BOOKSTORES (unadjusted)

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13 Mar

ABA on Harry Potter: Scholastic Not Being Book Fair

Scholastic School Division is pre-selling Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix through Scholastic's book fairs. In at least one book fair promotion, for each Harry Potter order, Scholastic guarantees a first-edition copy, a collectible baseball cap, and an official certificate of purchase, which the buyer receives when pre-ordering the book.

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13 Mar

ABACUS Update: Special Session Set for BEA

Participating Booksellers Will Receive Bonus Reports

Booksellers attending this year's BookExpo America (BEA) will have the opportunity to attend a special session on the ABACUS project on Friday, May 30, from 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. The session will present an in-depth report on the project's first year's results, and all ABA members are invited to the session.

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13 Mar

Events Planner Organizes Bookstore Opening

For Kaye Peloquin, a former events planner, opening a bookstore in Lititz, Pennsylvania, has involved a long journey composed of hundreds of small steps. The 2,500-square-foot store, Buckhill Bookshop, will open around June 1. "Either right before or right after BEA, probably in the middle of the Harry Potter madness," joked Peloquin.

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13 Mar

Oliver Gilliland, Norton Sales Rep, Dies at 54

Oliver Holmes Gilliland, the national field sales manager for W.W. Norton & Company, died of liver cancer on March 1. He was 54.

"There was no one more devoted to this firm, its people, its independence, and most of all its books, than Oliver Gilliland," said W. Drake McFeely, Norton president and chairman. "His was the face of Norton at bookstores all across this country."

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13 Mar

Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Declares COPA Unconstitutional … Again

On March 6, the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia ruled for the second time that the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) is unconstitutional. The court found that COPA violates adults' right to free speech, is overly broad, and fails "the strict scrutiny test." It is expected that the Justice Department will appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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