- Categories:
New & Ongoing E-Book Promotions
Ten e-book promotions were recently added to the IndieCommerce Publisher Promotions page. Categories include adventure stories, book club fiction, historical romance, cooking, coming-of-age stories, gardening, and more.
When the sale date kicks in, the prices on IndieCommerce sites’ product pages will change automatically. Details provided on IndieCommerce.com include product numbers and promotional materials to help stores draw attention to Kobo eBooks on sale.
- Great Adventure Stories: Start date: 2/17/14; end date: 3/3/14
- Oscars: Start date: 2/24/14; end date: 3/10/14
- Book Club Fiction: Start date: 2/24/14; end date: 3/10/14
- Hot Historicals: Start date: 2/24/14; end date: 3/17/14
- Storey’s Fresh Picks: Start date: 3/1/14; end date: 3/31/14
- Blue Plate Special: Start date: 3/1/14; end date: 3/31/14
- Algonquin’s Lucky Stars: Start date: 3/1/14; end date: 3/31/14
- Timber’s eBooks in Bloom: Start date: 3/1/14; end date: 3/31/14
- 70% Off Select Kids & Teen eBooks: Start date: 3/1/14; end date: 3/31/14
- 30% Off Promo Code: Start date: 3/5/14; end date: 3/9/14
Stores with questions about adding promos to their websites can find answers on the IndieCommerce.com Help page or by contacting IndieCommerce customer service.
Publishers with upcoming e-book promotions are encouraged to send details and promotional materials to IndieCommerce Service Rep Valerie Federici and ABA Senior Program Officer Joy Dallanegra-Sanger.