Block Title Link

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The Block Title Link feature allows you to turn the title of a block into a link to direct customers to a page on your site.

NOTE: The feature is enabled by request only. Please navigate to Store > Configuration > Account Information & Preferences > Store Features and submit a request for it to be enabled.

Navigate to Structure > Blocks > Select edit for the block you want to adjust the title for

  1. Expand ‘Block Title Settings’
  2. Complete the ‘Title Path’ - This is the URL path that will be followed for the Block Title, please use the relative path for pages on your site. This is the portion of the URL that comes after your website URL, for example: the relative URL is the highlighted portion new-staff-picks
  3. Title Attribute - This does not need to be altered
  4. Link Target - This determines if the link opens in the same or a new window/tab
  5. Display Link - confirm this is enabled
  6. Save block


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