Gift Cards

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You will need to request that ABA enable the ‘Gift Card’ module for you. You may do so by navigating to: Store > Configuration > Account Information and Preferences > Store Features scrolling to the ECOMMERCE section - check mark ‘Givex Gift Card*’ under ‘Enable This Feature’ and click the ‘Send request to ABA’ button. Or email [email protected] and request the ‘Gift Card’ module be enabled for your site.

NOTE: Though the name of the module is ‘Givex Gift Card’, the module can be enabled and used for any gift card product.

We will send you confirmation that the ‘Gift Card’ module has been enabled. Once enabled you will have a new content type ‘Gift Card’ created.


Navigate to: Content > Add Content > Gift Card

  1. Enter a name for your gift card - Example: Book Shop Gift Card
  2. If you have an image of your gift card upload it: Choose File > Locate it locally > Upload
  3. Enter a Description - Example: Our gift card makes the perfect gift for every occasion!
  4. Create a custom SKU: Example: BSGC1 (do not use a 10 or 13 digit number)
  5. The sell price  and list price should be set as $0.00
  6. Save and Continue
  7. Click the Options button
  8. Complete the column ‘Price’ under ‘Gift Card Amount’
  9. Verify that your ‘Cost’ column matches the ‘Price’ column
  10. Submit


Navigate to: Store > Configuration > Products

  1. Select Attributes tab
  2. Verify that ‘Do Not Display’ is selected
  3. Save configuration

Your final step in completing the creation of your Gift Card is to clean up what information is displayed to your customer.


Navigate to: Structure > Content Types > Gift Cards > Manage Display

  1. Change the ‘Format’ to ‘Hidden’ for the following fields:

    1. Display Price
    2. List Price
    3. Cost
    4. SKU
    5. Sell Price
  2. Save
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for ‘Teaser'

* Please be aware that while the ‘Givex Gift Card’ module will allow the creation of store gift cards as products for purchase through the website, and customers can choose “Store Gift Card’ as a payment method (If you have allowed ‘Store Gift Card as a Payment method), store gift cards cannot be redeemed on the website; You will need to manually process and track the store gift card balance at the store. Givex gift cards remain the only gift card the can be used as a payment method and automatically processed within the site.


The ‘Variable Price’ module enables a feature for a specific product class and the nodes created under that product class, that will allow customers to pay what they want for that product.

NOTE: This feature will be enabled on IC sites upon request. If you would like to give it a try, please send us a request from the Store Features page (Store > Configuration > Account Information and Preferences > Store Features).


Navigate to: Store > Products > Manage Classes

NOTE: If you have not previously created the product class/product nodes you wish to enable this feature for, you can find instructions to do so here: “Creating Custom Products”. Please create the product classes before adding the ‘Variable Price’ feature.

  1. Select ‘Edit’ for the class for which you want to enable ‘Variable Price’
  2. Expand ‘Default Variable Price Product Feature’
  3. Select ‘Check this box to add a default feature to every product of this class using these settings’
  4. Customize ‘Price Settings’ (optional)

    1. Default price - This is the amount that will display in the ‘Amount’ field by default
    2. Minimum price - If there is a minimum price for the item, enter it here. Customers will be prevented from ordering the item at a lower cost.
    3. Maximum price - If there is a maximum price for the item, enter it here. Customers will be prevented from ordering the item at a higher cost.
  5. Customize ‘Add To Cart Form Element Titles’ (optional)

    1. Select ‘Override the title of the add to cart button’

      • Enter a new title under ‘Add to cart button title’ - for example, if this were for a ‘Donation’, you might make the title “Make Donation”
    2. Select ‘Override the title of the amount field for the price on the add to cart form’

      • Enter a new title under ‘Amount field title’ - for example, if this were for a ‘Donation’, you might make the title “Donation Amount”
  6. Save

Once you have enabled the ‘Variable Price’ feature for the product class you can attach it to the product node(s) within that class.


Navigate to: Content

  1. Select the Content type and click ‘Apply’
  2. Select ‘Edit’ for the item
  3. Select the ‘Features’ tab
  4. Confirm ‘Add a new feature’ is set to ‘Variable price’ and click ‘Add’
  5. If you need to make any product specific customizations to the ‘Price Settings’ or ‘Add to Cart Form Element Titles’ different from what you entered for the whole product class, you may do so here.
  6. Save Feature

NOTE: When viewing the product you will notice that the ‘Amount’ field is no longer a set price or a drop down menu of prices. Instead, it is a field in which your customer can type in the price they wish to pay for the item. For that reason, it is VERY IMPORTANT, you enable this feature with caution. The price entered into such field will override any previous pricing you had entered for the product.


If you intend to enable the ‘Variable Price’ feature for ‘Gift Cards/Gift Certificates’ you will first need to remove the ‘Amount’ Attribute that has already been set-up for it.

Navigate to: Content

  1. Select the Content type (for this example Gift Certificate) and click ‘Apply’
  2. Select ‘Edit’ for the item
  3. Select the ‘Attributes’ tab
  4. Select the ‘Remove’ checkbox for ‘Gift Certificate Amount’
  5. Save Changes

Then proceed with steps 3-6 from the above “ATTACH ‘VARIABLE PRICE’ TO THE PRODUCT NODE(S)” section.

Haven’t created any gift card products yet? Start here: ‘Creating Gift Cards As A Product For Sale


After enabling this feature for a product class you will need to manage the display to hide any other ‘Price’ information. Along with any unnecessary fields that weren’t previously hidden.

Navigate to Structure > Content Types> Donations (or the content of your choice)> Manage Display

  1. Modify all sections under ‘Format’ as desired (we recommend making the SKU, Display price, List price, Cost and Sell Price hidden)
  2. Save

Repeat steps 1-2 for the teaser as well.


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