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This documentation was modified on 01/18/2018, to comply with the latest changes by MailChimp.

This provides an integration with MailChimp (an email delivery service) and makes it possible to create and send MailChimp emails directly from your website.


  1. Sign up for a account
  2. Create your list through MailChimp

    1. MailChimp provides instructions for creating your first list here:
  3. Obtain your MailChimp API key

    1. Log in to your account
    2. Click your profile name to expand the Account Panel, and choose Account.
    3. Click the Extras drop-down menu and choose API keys.
    4. Copy an existing API key or click the Create A Key button.
    5. Name your key descriptively, so you know what application uses that key.
    6. Make note of this key, you will need it later when configuring the MailChimp module.


NOTE: This module will be enabled on IC sites upon request. If you would like to give it a try, please send us a request from the Store Features page (Store > Configuration > Account Information and Preferences > Store Features).

Navigate to: Configuration > Web Services > MailChimp

  1. Enter the API Key you previously obtained from
  2. Save Configuration


Navigate to: Configuration > Web Services > MailChimp > Signup Forms

  1. Select ‘Add MailChimp sign-up’
  2. Enter a ‘Title’ - Example: Subscribe To Our Email list
  3. Description (optional)
  4. Select a ‘Display mode’

    1. Block
    2. Page
  5. Set the ‘Display Settings’

    1. Page URL (only available if the ‘Display mode’ is set to ‘Page’) - this is the path to the signup page. Example: newsletter/join
    2. Submit Button Label - This is the text displayed on the ‘Submit’ button. Example: Subscribe
    3. Confirmation Message - This is the message displayed after their request has been submitted. Example: You have been successfully subscribed.
    4. Form destination page - Enter the page path you would like users to be redirected to after submitting their request. If utilizing this field the above field ‘Confirmation Message’ should be left blank.
  6. Select which list(s) a user can subscribe to when completing this form.

    • You should see any lists you have previously created in MailChimp available here. If you did not create any lists through MailChimp please refer to the first section of this document ‘Prepare To Use The MailChimp Module’ - Step 2.
  7. Select which ‘Merge Fields’ are displayed on the registration form
  8. Enable additional subscription settings (optional)

    1. Require subscribers to Double Opt-in
    2. Send a welcome email to new subscribers
    3. Include interest groups on the subscription form
  9. Save

If you created a block it can now be placed in a region of your choice by navigating to Structure > Blocks. If you created a page it can now be added to a menu to be easily navigated to.

When a user subscribes to your email list through your website it synchronizes to Mailchimp within 15 minutes.


MailChimp offers a pop-up sign up form feature for collecting email addresses from visitors when they land on any page on your website. The visitor has the option of either entering their email address or closing the pop-up and not seeing it again. If they enter their email address, it is automatically inserted into your Mailchimp mailing list.


  1. Configure the pop-up from through MailChimp, instructions to do so can be found here:
  2. Save a copy of the embed code in a .txt file
  3. Do not close this window yet. You'll return to it in the next section.


Navigate to: Structure > Blocks > Add Block

  1. Leave the block title empty
  2. Provide a ‘Block description’ - Example: MailChimp Pop-up Form Code
  3. Select the ‘Source’ button on the WYSIWYG Editor
  4. Paste the embed code into the body
  5. Place the block in the ‘Footer’ region of your theme (The block itself will not  be seen but allows the code to run behind the scenes and allow the pop-up to appear)
  6. Set the ‘Pages’ restriction to ‘All Pages except those listed’ and make sure the following are listed:

    • node/add*
    • node/edit
    • user/*
    • admin*
    • user
    • imce*
    • cart/*
  7. Save Block
  8. Return to the Mailchimp window from the previous step and click "Check my Connection".

The block is now placed, your site is connected to your MailChimp account, and the pop-up email form should appear when the site is visited.


  • When a visitor sees the pop-up signup form on your site, MailChimp will store a cookie in their browser to keep it from appearing again, even if they don't choose to fill out the form. If they clear browser cookies or visit after a year, they will see the pop-up form again.




  • MailChimp Connect Your SiteWhen you connect your store or website to MailChimp, you can view and manage your integration on the Connected Sites page in your account. If you have added the pop-up to your site this will already be completed. Quickly review your list settings and create custom pop-up forms. At this time, only the pop-up feature of this service can be integrated with your IndieCommerce website. More information is available here
  • MailMunch: MailMunch is a third-party service, providing multiple opt-in form options for capturing email addresses from site visitors and integrates with MailChimp, Constant Contact, and other email marketing software easily to send emails to those captured email address. These options include opt-in form formats such as Pop-up, Floating bar, Scroll-box, and Embedded. Additional details and instructions for MailMunch can be found under ‘MailMunch Integration’.

NOTE: We have found the MailMunch Pop-up to be more user-friendly than the MailChimp option.


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